New Refugee Status Advisory Committee Guidelines on Refugee Definition and Assessment of Credibility, February 20, 1982


  • Refuge Editor


Mots-clés :

Refugee Definition, Persecution, Refugee Status, Credibility Assessment


It is recognized that no two refugee claims are the same. Each Committee member will use his or her best judgement in arriving at a recommendation in an individual case. Nevertheless, the discretion which is exercised by Committee members is circumscribed in two significant respects. The first involves
the legal definition of a "Convention Refugee" as found in the Immigration Act,
1976. The second involves the "spirit" of interpretation of which the Minister desires in the application of this definition. In this respect, members should bear in mind that they have been appointed to provide recommendations to the Minister and are not, in law, performing a decision- making function. While the Committee is independent of Employment and Immigration Canada, it is subordinate to the Minister.


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Comment citer

Refuge Editor. (1982). New Refugee Status Advisory Committee Guidelines on Refugee Definition and Assessment of Credibility, February 20, 1982. Refuge : Revue Canadienne Sur Les réfugiés , 1(7), 6–7.

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