Making Your Own Weather: Self-Reliance and Working for Resettlement Among Sudanese Refugee Men in Amman, Jordan




refugees, resettlement, Jordan, Sudanese, work


In recent years, refugee response in Jordan has centred on self-reliance, aiming to support individuals in displacement and contain further movement. However, non-Syrian refugees have been largely overlooked. This article explores the relationship between self-reliance and resettlement for Sudanese refugee men in Amman. Drawing on conceptualizations of work beyond paid labour, I show how refugees have pursued resettlement through relational, emotional, physical, and administrative work. I contribute to understandings of how forced migrants work towards long-term solutions to displacement and add to the limited literature on Sudanese displacement in Jordan.


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Author Biography

Zoë Jordan, Oxford Brookes University

Zoë Jordan is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Development and Emergency Practice, Oxford Brookes University. She can be reached at


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How to Cite

Jordan, Z. (2024). Making Your Own Weather: Self-Reliance and Working for Resettlement Among Sudanese Refugee Men in Amman, Jordan. Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 39(2), 1–14.

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