Changes in Shared Decision-Making Roles and Perceived Stress in Syrian Refugee Parents Resettled in the Greater Toronto Area




Syrian refugee parents, Canada, changes in decision-making roles, perceived stress


This study explored changes in shared decision-making roles (day-to-day, financial, and major life decisions) and their relationships to perceived stress among 148 Syrian refugee parents after resettling in Toronto using a generalized estimated equation model. Parents were categorized as “towards shared” decision-making for 20.3%, 23.0%, and 21.6% of day-to-day, major life, and financial decisions, respectively. In families where both parents were unemployed, those who “always shared” making financial decisions had significantly lower perceived stress than those “towards shared” (p = .02). Understanding the cultural contexts of gender roles and the impact of acculturation may help promote better post-migration strategies.


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Author Biographies

Maria Boulos, School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University

Maria Boulos is a Master’s Graduate Student at York University. She can be reached at

Michaela Hynie, Department of Psychology, York University

Michaela Hynie is a Professor of Psychology at York University and a resident member of York University’s Centre for Refugee Studies. She can be reached at

Shauna Spirling, York University

Shauna Clayton is a PhD student at York University. She can be reached at

Hala Tamim , School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University

Hala Tamim is a Professor at the School of Kinesiology and Health Science at York University, and a member of the LaMarsh Centre for Child and Youth Research. She can be reached at


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How to Cite

Boulos, M., Hynie, M., Spirling, S., & Tamim, H. (2024). Changes in Shared Decision-Making Roles and Perceived Stress in Syrian Refugee Parents Resettled in the Greater Toronto Area. Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 39(2), 1–21.

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