'It will be a weapon in my hand': The Protective Potential of Education for Adolescent Syrian Refugee Girls in Lebanon


  • Stephanie Chow Garbern Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
  • Shaimaa Helal Queen's University
  • Saja Michael ABAAD Resource Center for Gender Equality
  • Nikkole J. Turgeon Robert Larner College of Medicine at University of Vermont
  • Susan Bartels Queen’s University



Mots-clés :

Syrian refugees, Lebanon, adolescents, refugee girls, girls' education, protective potential, education


Cette étude s’appuie sur plus de 140 récits à la première personne d’adolescentes et de parents syriens déplacés au Liban ainsi que sur la littérature existante dans le champ de l’éducation en situations d’urgence afin d’examiner le concept du potentiel protecteur de l’éducation. Les résultats illustrent l’interaction dynamique entre les risques pris pour obtenir une éducation et le potentiel protecteur de l’éducation pour ce groupe vulnérable. Pour la population étudiée, les risques en matière de protection l’emportaient fréquemment sur le potentiel protecteur de l’éducation et avaient ultimement une influence sur la prise de décision des individus concernant la poursuite d’une éducation au Liban.


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  • Policy Citations: 4
  • Citation Indexes: 4
  • Readers: 29
  • References: 3

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Stephanie Chow Garbern, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Stephanie Chow Garbern, MD, MPH, is an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Alpert Medical School of Brown University and an affiliated fellow of the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. The author may be contacted at sgarbern@brown.edu.

Shaimaa Helal, Queen's University

Shaimaa Helal is a medical student at Queen’s University. The author may be contacted at shelal@qmed.ca.

Saja Michael, ABAAD Resource Center for Gender Equality

Saja Michael, MPH, is a Gender & Diversity technical adviser at ABAAD Resource Center for Gender Equality. The author may be contacted at saja.michael@abaadmena.org.

Nikkole J. Turgeon, Robert Larner College of Medicine at University of Vermont

Nikkole J. Turgeon is a medical student at Robert Larner College of Medicine at University of Vermont. The author may be contacted at nikkole.turgeon@gmail.com.

Susan Bartels, Queen’s University

Susan Bartels, MD, MPH, FRCPC, is an associate professor of emergency medicine at Queen’s University. The author may be contacted at susanabartels@gmail.com.



Comment citer

Garbern, S. C., Helal, S., Michael, S., Turgeon, N. J., & Bartels, S. (2020). ’It will be a weapon in my hand’: The Protective Potential of Education for Adolescent Syrian Refugee Girls in Lebanon. Refuge : Revue Canadienne Sur Les réfugiés , 36(1), 3–13. https://doi.org/10.25071/1920-7336.40609

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