Perceived Discrimination and Poverty among Syrian Refugee Women in Jordan
Discrimination, Poverty, Syria, Jordan, Refugees, WomenAbstract
The Syrian Civil War displaced millions of Syrian women and children, many of whom face economic challenges and discrimination. This paper examines self-reported poverty and its relationship with perceived discrimination among women, as framed by social exclusion theory. The cross-sectional study included 507 Syrian refugee women visiting health clinics outside camps in Jordan. Consistent with our hypothesis, 79.09% of women reported poverty as a serious problem, and women reporting discrimination were found to have higher odds of reporting poverty as a serious problem post-migration (AOR: 3.489; 95% CI: 1.534, 7.937). Gender-responsive interventions, policy implications, and recommendations are addressed.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jennifer M.K. Hartmann, Trena I. Mukherjee, Maysa Khadra, Neeraj Kaushal, Nabila El-Bassel, Anindita Dasgupta

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