Syrian Refugees’ Participation in Language Classes: Motivators and Barriers


  • Nicole Ives McGill University
  • Anna Oda York University
  • Jonathan Bridekirk York University
  • Michaela Hynie York University
  • Susan McGrath York University
  • Rana Mohammad Carizon
  • Mona Awwad OMNI Television
  • Kathy Sherrell Immigration Services Society of British Columbia
  • Mahi Khalaf Immigration Services Society of British Columbia
  • Marcela Diaz Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County, Ontario


Mots-clés :

refugees, language, integration, Syria, resettlement, literacy


L'alphabétisation dans la langue du pays d’accueil facilite l'intégration et réduit la marginalisation sociale et économique. Ainsi, l'accès à l'apprentissage de la langue est une question de justice sociale. Les réfugiés réinstallés au Canada sont admissibles à une formation gratuite en anglais/français. Entre 2015 et 2017, le Canada a réinstallé 47 735 réfugiés syriens. Nous avons exploré les prédicteurs de la participation aux cours de langue pour les réfugiés syriens, en examinant les données de 1 915 réfugiés syriens adultes dans des cours de langue financés par le gouvernement en Colombie-Britannique, en Ontario et au Québec. Les facteurs entravant la participation variaient selon la province et comprenaient le sexe, la santé physique/mentale, l'éducation, l'alphabétisation en anglais/français et l'emploi. Des recommandations pratiques et politiques sont discutées.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Nicole Ives, McGill University

Nicole Ives is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work, at McGill University. She can be reached

Anna Oda, York University

Anna Oda is the Syrian Refugee Integration and Long-Term Health Outcomes in Canada research study coordinator at the Centre for Refugee Studies, York University.  She can be reached at

Jonathan Bridekirk, York University

Jonathan Bridekirk is a PhD candidate in the Department of Psychology at York University. He can be reached at

Michaela Hynie, York University

Michaela Hynie is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at York University. She can be reached at

Susan McGrath, York University

Susan McGrath is a Professor Emerita at the School of Social Work at York University. She can be reached at

Rana Mohammad, Carizon

Rana Mohammad is the Newcomer System Navigator-Carizon in Kitchener, Ontario. She can be reached at

Mona Awwad, OMNI Television

Mona Awwad is a News Reporter at OMNI Television.  She can be reached at

Kathy Sherrell, Immigration Services Society of British Columbia

Kathy Sherrell is the Director of Settlement Services at Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia. She can be reached at

Mahi Khalaf, Immigration Services Society of British Columbia

Mahi Khalaf is a Program Manager at Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia. She can be reached at

Marcela Diaz, Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County, Ontario

Marcela Diaz is a Settlement and Integration Program Manager at the Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County, Ontario. She can be reached at


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Comment citer

Ives, N., Oda, A., Bridekirk, J., Hynie, M., McGrath, S., Mohammad, R., … Diaz, M. (2022). Syrian Refugees’ Participation in Language Classes: Motivators and Barriers. Refuge : Revue Canadienne Sur Les réfugiés , 38(2), 1–19.

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